Includes a set of postures, generally practice one after the other and more slowly, with longer hold than
Vinyasa or Ashtanga. No link between the poses.

Hatha Yoga Bali

Hatha Yoga Bali

If you are in Bali and looking for a good studio that provides Hatha Yoga classes, come and practice with us.

ADDA YOGA in Bali is located in Canggu Seminyak in a peaceful and inspiring Shala.

We have designed Hatha Yoga classes for every level, and our teachers give their best to deliver a different Yoga experience.

About Hatha Yoga

This was long assumed that the name Hatha was derived from the words “Ha” and “Tha,” which respectively signify “sun” and “moon.” According to the inference, the practices stabilize and combine the sun and moon powers in the purified body.

This is now thought that the name was initially intended to signify “power” or “initiative.” Therefore it now refers to the tremendous physical and mental self-control required to master these strategies.

For instance, Hatha Yoga is just one type of Yoga practice among many in the larger framework of Indian philosophy and spirituality, which includes Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Islam, among many others.



The History of Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is one of the forms of Yoga. Hatha is a Sanskrit term that means “power” and refers to a set of physical attributes. In India, the Natha Sampradaya’s reputed owner Matsyendranath is revered as being saint for the Hindus concerning hatha yoga systems.

The Nath Siddhas are responsible for almost all Hatha yogic literature, with the most notable ones attributed to the followers of Matsyendranath, Gorakhnath.


The Benefits of Hatha Yoga

Diet, purification procedures, breathing management (Pranayama), and the selection of bodily positions called asanas, which shape a physical activity program, are all important aspects of Hatha Yoga.

Padmasana ( Lotus ) is a typical asana in which the folded feet lie on the opposite thighs. Many Buddhist and Hindu saints are shown in this stance. Hatha Yoga Canggu builds body flexibility, strengthens and builds up the ability of solid cognition. ( take off Canggu )

Best Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in Bali


Hatha yoga has been practiced in the style of physical postures taken
by different instructors regarding many benefits. Swami
Kuvalayananda and Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, his follower, preached
from 1924 and all their life, and had a huge influence on Yoga as an
activity in the West

Kuvalayananda and Krishnamacharya merged Hatha yoga asanas with
gymnastics and calisthenics exercises to benefit from the duration of
the physical culture, omitting much of the original spiritual part to
create a dynamic physical style of Yoga that focused very little focus
on Hatha Yoga’s spiritual aspirations.

Way of Practice and technical aspects of Hatha Yoga

Yoga is a complicated practice that necessitates certain yogi traits. This kind of Yoga is slower-paced that emphasizes breathing, regulated motions, and flexibility. Vinyasa yoga emphasizes linking your breath to the moves, which are typically faster. You can anticipate a steady flow of movements throughout a vinyasa practice.

Hatha yoga is significantly more in Indian and Tibet lineages. It incorporates notions of morality, food, cleaning, pranayama (breathing exercises), contemplation, a yogi’s psychological development method, and a comprehensive physical activity technique. Many enhancement has been integrated into the modern Hatha Yoga Bali.

Hatha Yoga Seminyak possesses many benefits as it improves cognition, breathing mechanism, provides mobility to the body system, etc. But on the other side, if you have any mobility issues or a chronic ailment, please consult a wellness professional before commencing the Yoga Asana approach. You should also seek the advice of an expert instructor who can tailor the practice to your requirements.