Beginner Yoga Canggu
Workshop Bali

Beginner Yoga Bali

Are you a total novice in Yoga and are you looking for beginner Yoga classes in Bali, Canggu, Seminyak ?

Come and join our beautiful studio for a unique experience with quality teaching

What is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient practice that combines the mind and body to build strength and awareness. This practice includes breathing techniques, meditation, and asanas (body posture) that stretch and flex specific muscle groups are included in this practice.

The significance of yoga cannot be overstated. The yoga asanas are usually intended to promote relaxation and stress reduction.

Yoga can be divided into several categories. Beginner yoga classes are available in every style, and the modifications in each yoga posture allow anyone to begin.

So, size and fitness levels don’t matter whether you live a sedentary lifestyle or are a professional athlete; everyone can find the most suitable yoga type for themselves and start practicing it.



Benefits Of Yoga ?

Yoga is considered to have a variety of physical and psychological health advantages. The following are some of the physical and emotional benefits of yoga:

  • Yoga strengthens, balances, and stretches the body.
  • Yoga improves heart health and metabolic rate.
  • Yoga helps you sleep better by relaxing you.
  • Yoga can assist you in reducing stress.
Beginner Yoga Canggu

How to get started with your yoga practice?.

If you’re not sure where to incorporate yoga into your daily routine, here are some helpful suggestions.

Acceptance is the First Step.

Consider how grateful you are for your body, life, and circumstances. They are just as you need them to be

Expectations for the Release.

Expectations like “I should already be able to touch my toes…”

Instead, get into the correct frame of mind, and the exercise will unfold smoothly, gracefully, and safely.

Recognize the Fundamentals of Yoga.

Yoga isn’t about being incredibly flexible or contorting your muscles and spine into unusual forms. Yoga is not only about Asanas (postures).

There is way more behind it : a science, a philosophy, a lifestyle and a spirituality view.

Breathing, meditation, and basic yoga positions are all about gaining inner power and establishing body freedom.

Pay Attention to Your Breathing

The most crucial thing to learn is to be mindful of your breathing. Simply noticing your inhale and exhale can improve sleep, less stress, and a greater sense of present moment awareness.

What To Expect During A Beginner Yoga Class In Bali?

Attending your first beginner yoga class in Bali might be a little bit stressful.

You’ve researched the best yoga studio in Bali, check the timetable, and maybe even purchased a mat for the occasion, but you’re still unsure of the experience.

Well, don’t be worried. For most first-time yoga students, we recommend the following things to expect in a beginner yoga class in Bali:

Get ready to move around and do a series of positions.

You’ll be seated, standing, or lying down in your positions. As a result, expect variety in beginner yoga poses when in Bali.

You will be asked to pay attention to the yoga instructor.

When you’re in the yoga class, put your cellphone in your bag or leave it in your locker and focus on the instructor. Remember, you are in Bali…so enjoy the view and let go of the material world.

You’ll be taught traditional Yoga breathing techniques in Bali.

Everyone breathes to keep alive, but in yoga, you’ll learn breathing techniques that can be used in conjunction with poses and movement. So concentrate on your breathing.

Your Bali yoga instructor will guide you into a mantra chant or meditation.

Your instructor may lead you in a chant or quiet meditation at various points during the class.

The session will most likely conclude with deep relaxation.

Many Bali instructors will advise students to lie down and, in some instances, close their eyes towards the end of a session. It is called corpse pose or savasana

If you are a complete beginner in Yoga, and don’t know where to start and what to do, don’t worry. ADDA Yoga in Canggu and Seminyak can lead you step by step to kick off your Yoga Journey in a smooth and professional way. We always say that base and foundation is the cornerstone of your practice. With ADDA Yoga you will receive a quality teaching , very structured and respectful of the original and ancient Yogic knowledge. Yoga Asanas postures won’t be the only theme. We will focus on global learning going through philosophy, Breathwork, meditation and different others aspects of the practice.

Come and join us for our beginner Yoga class in Bali Canggu and Seminyak !

Check our YouTube Channel if you want to have a better idea of basics asanas or even train between your first beginner classes.

How Yoga is Practiced in Traditional Way

Yoga incorporates physical postures, breathing methods, and contemplation or relaxation into many styles. Yoga is a centuries-old discipline that is traditionally known in India. It incorporates exercise, concentration, and breathing methods to enhance physical and cognitive well-being. Humans are met as persons in traditional practice.

Each individual is taught at their own pace, depending on their level of preparation. The numerous hatha yoga activities were used to prepare the body for lengthy durations of mindfulness. As commonly practiced in the West, Yoga focuses primarily on physical health. Of course, if you want to use it, it can be a spiritual practice.

Alignment is considered to have a good setup that enables us to get the most out of our practice while also allowing us to achieve that sweet spot of comfort. Another is Drishti or focus, whereas Drishti is the focal point of our attention and sight. The last is breath.

Yoga is an amazing practice and exercise for the relaxation and relief of the mind. It can help you breathe, contemplate, and build up cognitive skills, but a doctor’s consultation and advice must be compulsory before starting practicing.

If you are in Bali and looking for a traditional yoga studio in Canggu and Seminyak, come and practice with us!

ADDA Yoga is located in a peaceful studio, and we have classes designed for every individual.

Come and join us for our beginner Yoga class in Bali Canggu and Seminyak ! We offer beginner Yoga workshops in Bali and miscellaneous levels classes.